- TCC, Modelos de monografias, Trabalhos de universidades, Ensaios, Bibliografias


Por:   •  5/2/2018  •  17.825 Palavras (72 Páginas)  •  301 Visualizações

Página 1 de 72


PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Responsabilidade; Esponsais; Rompimento


In short you would want to demonstrate this research is a brief analysis of its subject theme which is the institute of civil liability, bringing its concept , historical evolution , demonstrating that the liability was formerly seen only the objective point of view , or is, was independent of the fault element for its characterization , and there was not any distinction between civil and criminal liability , and that was over time that came subjective responsibility and risk theory and consequently the distinction between civil and criminal liability , as well as the legal nature and importance of the study of this institute since its applicability plays a role repairing the damage suffered , the punishment of the offender and social discouragement of harmful conduct, its constituent elements ( conduct, damage and causation ) , their exclusive causes and finally an examination of objective and subjective liability . About the damage it is vital to bring the species of material damage and moral damage , demonstrating that they are possible repair for liability and property damage that encompasses emerging damages and lost profits , and which today is possible cumulation between material injury and moral damages claim evolution history of damage , especially the material damage which faced a lot of resistance on the part of scholars regarding their repairability , a fact already won with the enactment of the Constitution of 1988 , which brought moral damages in his art. 5, sections V and X , the concept of these kinds of harm and its findings . With regard to good faith will develop an analysis of the subject as well as its division into subjective and objective good faith good faith , with greater emphasis will be given with respect to objective good faith is on the idea ethics , fairness, dignity , and common sense that people should deal with each other within the humanitarian and legal relations . Made such placements will bring this research to the delimitation of its theme which is the Civil Liability for breakup of Engagement ( Betrothal ) , demonstrating the concept of betrothal , its history and its legal nature , to be able to enter in order for accountability in the case unjustifiably engagement breakup , revealing that his characterization is essential to compliance with certain requirements , since our legal system was not successful to stop the betrothal disciplinary autonomously, leaving only those hypotheses liability of subjective type for Whoever gives to cause undue disruption of promise of marriage , causing some kind of damage whether material or moral . This research focuses primarily on a doctrinal and jurisprudential study , asserted the importance of case law when examining concrete cases to prove whether or not the case of civil liability for unjustified disruption of engagement, why the need to bring out some understandings jurisprudence on the subject .

KEYWORDS: Responsibility; Betrothal; breakup


1 INTRODUÇÃO .........................................................................................................13

2 RESPONSABILIDADE CIVIL.................................................................................16


2.2 Evolução Histórica................................................................................................17

2.3 Natureza Jurídica..................................................................................................20

2.4 Importância do Estudo da Responsabilidade Civil...............................................21

2.5 Elementos..............................................................................................................21

2.5.1 Conduta.......................................................................................................22

2.5.2 Dano............................................................................................................24

2.5.3 Nexo de Causalidade..................................................................................25

2.6 Causas Excludentes...............................................................................................26

2.6.1 Estado de Necessidade................................................................................27

2.6.2 Legítima Defesa..........................................................................................27

2.6.3 Exercício Regular de Direito e Estrito Cumprimento do Dever Legal.......28

2.6.4 Caso Fortuito e Força Maior.......................................................................28

2.6.5 Culpa Exclusiva da Vítima.........................................................................30

2.6.6 Fato de Terceiro..........................................................................................30

2.6.7 Inexistência de Dano...................................................................................30

2.7 Responsabilidade Civil Subjetiva.........................................................................31

2.8 Responsabilidade Civil Objetiva...........................................................................34

3 DOS DANOS MATERIAIS E MORAIS..................................................................37

3.1 Noções Preliminares ............................................................................................37

3.2 Evolução Histórica................................................................................................38

3.3 Conceito ...............................................................................................................40


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