- TCC, Modelos de monografias, Trabalhos de universidades, Ensaios, Bibliografias


Por:   •  15/11/2018  •  1.104 Palavras (5 Páginas)  •  652 Visualizações

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as a reference product.Bacterial strains and culture mediaThe bacterial strain used in this study were kindly provided by Embrapa/CNPGL, Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil, and were isolated from animals with mastitis manifestation. Bacteria was routinely cultured on brain heart infusion (BHI) at 37 °C for 16 h prior to experiments. The cell concentration was adjusted to 106 CFU mL-1 by optical density at 600 nm. Stock cultures were maintained in BHI containing 25% glycerol at -80 °C.

Antibacterial assay of the Herbal SoapThe herbal soap (1.0 g) was dissolved in distilled water (100 mL) to obtain a 1% suspension. The suspension was vigorously shaken to dissolve the soap, to disperse the foam, and to homogenize the suspension. After, the gloves (n = 12, 6 for each treatment control and soap) were dipped in soap solutions during 30 minutes. The gloves contaminated with S. aureus after milking of cow´s udder were swabbed into sterile normal saline in bottles. After dipped in soap solution 1%, the gloves were again swabbed into sterile normal saline in separate bottles. The same treatments were done with control soap. Aliquots from the respective treatments were cultured on an agar plate at 37 °C for 24 h, and observed the presence or absence of microbial growth.


The most active extract from flowers was ethyl acetate and from roots was dichloromethane (Table 1 and 2) respectively. The MIC values were showed in table 3 and 4 for the active extracts.The herbal soap formulated with S. macranthera (Figure) demonstrated high inhibition against S. aureus of cow’s udder and indicates the potential of the plant as excipient in the production of antiseptic soaps for combating bovine mastitis infections especially in small farms. These findings have high economic, industrial and veterinary significance.S


(1) LeBlanc, S.J., Lissemore, K.D., Kelton, D.F., Duffield, T.F., Leslie, K.E., 2006. Major advances in disease prevention in dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 89, 1267-1279.(2) Diaz, M.A.N., Pizziolo, V.R., 2012. Processo de fabricação e formulação de sabonete para fins cosmecêuticos contendo óleo de semente de Macaúba (Acronomia aculeata) e o produto obtido - BR PI 1005633-5


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