Entrevista de Emprego em Inglês
Por: Jose.Nascimento • 25/3/2018 • 743 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 558 Visualizações
O que te estressa no trabalho?
Ok, normally I’m very calm and patient so it’s very dificicult I stay stress maybe when some person not know work in group or live in group.
Qual a parte da educacao que eu tive que acho que foi importante pra chegar onde cheguei? Ok , my parents taught me to be determined and it was very important to me , for examplo, I studied to the test efomm for five years, and I can pass in the test. I never give up I contined studying more and more until I pass.
Como eu reajo a um nao como resposta?
At the moment, I talk ok, righ. Not problem. And when I have time I think about the answer and what I would do to change the situation.
O que vc pode trazer para a empresa?
Como vc espera que seja seu chefe?
I hope that my boss is fair and we can do good work together for the best of the company
O que vc aprendeu com seus erros? I learnt that everybody make mistakes and the important is how you deal with your mistakes. It’s important to use your mistakes to grow professionaly and personally
Figura enchente num compartimento ou fogo ou acidente num local confinado, navio em chamas, conteneiro adernado, treinamento de homem ao mar
Como vc lida com critica?
At the moment,I talk ok, right, thank you. I like you talk it for me. I will think about . and when I have time I think about what the people talk for me , i think if the person is right, how I would improve and I try to improve