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Falas do PimsLeur ingles básico

Por:   •  30/6/2017  •  Artigo  •  1.711 Palavras (7 Páginas)  •  757 Visualizações

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Falas do PimsLeur ingles básico



Aula 1


Excuse me! - com licença

++ do you understand portuguese?


you are brazilian! - vocë é bazileiro!

are you brazilian? - vocë é bazileiro?


no, i don't understand portuguese - nao, eu nao entendo portugues

i, understand a little ingles - eu, entendo umpouco de ingles

i understand - eu entendo

you understand - vocë entende

you - vocë

miss - senhorita

sir senhor

ingles - inglês

a little - um pouco


Aula 2


goodbye - até logo

hello - olá

++ how are you? - como vocé esta?

how a'you?

i'm fine - eu estou bem

very - muito

well - bem

thank's - obrigado

madam - senhora

you are brazilian?

not very well - não muito bem.


Aula 3


but - mas

thank you - eu agradeço

american - americano

and - e

Oh - Espanto

i'm sorry - desculpe-me - sinto muito

not - não

i not american - eu nao sou americano

please - por favor

speak - fala

it - ele, ela, isto


Aula 4


street - rua

++ where is - onde fica?

avenue - avenida

park - parque

here - aqui

is - fica, é

est - leste

fifty second- quinquagésimo segundo (52)

it's here - fica aqui


Aula 5


over there - fica lá

your welcome - denada ou seja bem vindo

know - sei

want - querer

would like - gostaria

something - algo

to eat - comer

to drink - beber

Okay - Esta Bem


Aula 6


yes, i would - sim, eu gostaria

no, thank you, but, i'd like something to drink

where it's est evenue

i'm sory, i dont know

it's not here

and, it's no over there

would you like to eat?

would you like to drink?

i'd like to eat

where, would you like to eat?

at a restaurant

i'd like to eat too

yes i would

at a restaurant

when, would like something to drink?

not, now

when, would like to eat?

no, not at a restaurant

i don't want to eat

i don't want do - e nao quero

too - também

restaurant - restaurant

i'd like - eu gostaria com contraçao

++ when - quando

at - em

now - agora

later - mais tarde

a - um

do - fazer


Aula 7


i'd like to eat

where, would you like to eat?

at a restaurant - num restaurante

not at a restaurant - num restaurante nao

i'd like something to eat

i'd like something to eat too


when, would you like to eat?


i'd like to eat now

would you


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