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AMITSA consultative meeting proceeding, June 20th 2014.

Way forward and next steps

As a way forward, the delegates urged AMITSA team to conduct a feedback survey, the results of this will help towards building the new direction. A concept note on this new direction should be ready in August and discussed with some key stakeholders. The concept note will show details of the new AMITSA highlighting the activities, services, organizations involved and resources required.

The organizations present physically and remotely pledged support to this new direction; that it must be a partnership (PPP, cross agro input sector), but that AMITSA must have a genuine, valid and solid value proposition.....Read More

Kenya and Tanzania Fertilizer Technical working Group Workshop(23-25 June 2014).

Technical Tranining and Pre Validation Workshop Report.


CountrySTAT Kenya and CountrySTAT Tanzania, in collaboration with the initiative held a joint Fertilizer Technical Working sub-Group (FTWG) training and validation workshop in Arusha, Tanzania from the 23rd to the 25 of June, 2014.

The main objectives of the workshop were:

• To train participants on the Fertilizer Data Processing using AFO methodology

• To review and pre-validate the 2013 fertilizer national statistics for both Kenya and Tanzania, by product, trade and consumption,

• To review the findings and recommendations of the recent study on “Consumption of Fertilizers and Fertilizer Use by Crop in Tanzania” prepared by Franks Kamhabwa.

This year, members from CountrySTAT ...Read More

Rwanda: MINAGRI, NAEB to Increase Fertilizers Distribution Efficiency

The ministry of agriculture and animal resources (Minagri) says it values fertilizers’ role in improving agriculture production, that they are reaching farmers in time, thus helping improve its distribution system efficiency.

After some farmers raised concerns over a perceived delay in fertilizers reaching rural areas, especially in the maze plantations, Minagri took action.

“Though we had a relatively dry 2014B agriculture season, it was not helped by the delay of fertilizers which would have saved our maze production,” said Ernestine Ntawangiwabo, a famer in Kirehe District, Gahara sector.

Added to that was a fear that the situation would repeat itself.

In fact, while registrations for fertilizers started last July, some farmers fear it could...Read More

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Upcoming Events

EAGC Agribusiness Expo 2014

Date:14th to 15th August 2014

Time: 0800 hrs - 1700 hrs

Organized By:EAGC

THEME: “Promoting post harvest technologies: "Improving the quality, safety and marketability of farm produce." ...Read

African Green Revolution Forum 2014

Date:01-04 September 2014

Time: 0800 hrs - 1700 hrs

Organized by:AGRA

THE THEME IS : AGRF 2014 seeks to deliver the objective of the AU Year of Agriculture and Food Security namely.. ..Read more


Date:11th to 12th September 2014

Time: 0800 hrs - 1700 hrs

Organized by:FIT Uganda Limited

Overriding Theme: Feeding The Region Through Sustainable Supply Mechanism... ..Read

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About AMITSAThe Regional Agricultural Input Market Information and Transparency System (AMITSA) assists the East Africa Community (EAC) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) in addressing the problem of lack of information about agro-inputs. AMITSA aims at improving access to timely data, establishing business linkages among importers and manufacturers, as well as reducing input procurement costs.

It also aims at increasing use of agro-inputs, improving food security and accelerating economic growth in the region.

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AMITSA, The Regional Agricultural

Input Market Information System


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