Por: YdecRupolo • 27/3/2018 • 6.981 Palavras (28 Páginas) • 413 Visualizações
Palavras-Chave: Insuficiência Renal Crônica. Cuidados de Enfermagem. Dialise
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The kidneys regulate the internal environment such as volume, tone and subdivision of fluids, perform these functions for the exchange and excretion of water, minerals and solutes in non-metablizados the daily diet and end products of nitrogen metabolism (urea and creatinine). For this purpose, the plasma producing ultrafiltrate that may reach 180 liters per day, in which more than 99% is absorbed to produce an average of 1.5 liters of urine per day. For kidneys perform their normal functions require a tightly regulated blood flow through them reaching approximately 20% of cardiac output. So there are some nephropathies to be defined and differences. Acute renal failure (ARF) is characterized by a rapid decline in glomerular filtration may result in the retention of nitrogen and electrolyte disturbances. Analyze the perceptions of patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) on hemodialysis compared to the nursing care in a reference unit. This is a field study with a descriptive qualitative and quantitative approach. In the descriptive study researcher observes and explores aspects of a situation. The study was conducted in Fernandes Tavora Hospital in Reference Unit in the treatment of kidney disease (Prontorim) that provides medical care for patients with chronic kidney disease, located in Fortaleza-Ceará. The collection was through interviews conducted with 20 patients it occurred after approval by the ethics committee at which the job was submitted. After the interviews the data were transcribed, analyzed and categorized in the following categories which emerged regarding sociodemographic data covering age, sex, marital status, education level, family income and place of birth; data on the pathology and treatment encompassing level of knowledge about the disease, time of discovery, treatment, frequency of dialysis, level of knowledge of hemodialysis, who provided guidance and guidelines, difficulties encountered during treatment and feelings experienced. When asked if they knew you know that disease struck was observed that most have some knowledge 11 said "I know it is a disease of the kidneys, the kidney is atrophied, the kidneys stop functioning, impaired kidney function." As the frequency of hemodialysis sessions all held three times a week on alternate days. When asked if they knew what hemodialysis showed that most had some knowledge. Many report that "serves to filter the blood, helps us to live, filters fluid from the blood, a device that causes the kidneys." Another relevant fact it is the feelings, so when asked about the feelings experienced by discovering the disease all reported some kind of feelings as "despair, sadness, worry, feelings of death, optimism and anxiety." With this study we observed a weak extremely relevant when it comes to providing information to patients on hemodialysis and this is one of the key roles of nursing in relation to the care of human beings and their families.
Keywords: Chronic Renal Failure. Nursing. Renal Dialysis.
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IRC Insuficiência Renal Crônica
IRA Insuficiência Renal Aguda
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1 INTRODUÇÃO .................................................................................................. 10
2 OBJETIVOS...................................................................................................... 14
2.1 GERAL ........................................................................................................... 14
2.2 ESPECÍFICOS ............................................................................................... 14
3 METODOLOGIA ............................................................................................... 15
3.1 TIPO DE ESTUDO ......................................................................................... 15
3.2 LOCAL E PERÍODO DO ESTUDO ................................................................ 15
3.3 POPULAÇÃO AMOSTRA .............................................................................. 16
3.4 COLETA DE DADOS ..................................................................................... 16
3.5 ANÁLISE DOS DADOS.................................................................................. 16
3.6 ASPECTOS ÉTICOS...................................................................................... 17
4 RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÕES ..................................................................... 18
4.1 DADOS SOCIODEMOGRÁFICOS................................................................. 18
5 CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS .............................................................................. 25
REFERÊNCIAS.................................................................................................... 26
APÊNDICES ........................................................................................................ 28
De acordo com Bruner & Suddarth (2009) anatomicamente falando os rins encontram-se em par de estruturas de cor vermelho-acastanhadas em formato de feijão, localizado no retroperitônio (atrás e fora da cavidade peritoneal). Possui uma glândula no ápice de cada rim a glândula supra-renal que tem funções importantes para o organismo. O sistema renal e urinário é essencial para a vida e consiste em manter o estado de homeostasia do organismo. Suas principais funções são formar urina, excreção dos produtos residuais,