PIM Unip Recursos Humanos
Por: SonSolimar • 6/4/2018 • 10.424 Palavras (42 Páginas) • 568 Visualizações
Enfim será tratado o tópico avaliação de desempenho que quando feita positivamente, tem muitos benefícios e muitos beneficiários. Dentre numerosos outros benefícios, a vantagem preponderante da avaliação é permitir que o desempenho melhore – o que beneficiará a todos. Essa é a principal razão da avaliação: o feedback sobre a quantidade melhora o desempenho. Esse é um ponto central no gerenciamento moderno.
Será possível entender como funciona o processo de avaliação de desempenho dentro da empresa ANGÁ e os desafios enfrentados no mercado competitivo. Através de uma analise SWOT será possível entender os desafios e as oportunidades dentro da avaliação de desempenho e quais os pontos de melhorias no processo atual.
The project will follow a complete analysis of vital sectors of an organization, this analysis will be made from the company's mid-size Anga ASSET MANAGEMENT.
In the performance of market ANGA today and one of the outstanding companies, we chose this company for the reason that the market in which it operates is being considered one of the most important sector that is constantly growing containing here financial, organizational and tactical provided by the organization itself.
In the following chapters it will be portrayed as the ANGA contributes to the code of ethics governing the company is presented dynamically and easily understood, it is based on the main ethical values of the company. Regarding job evaluation will be presented as the process can help in driving and defining best practice of wages and how this process is to facilitate, guide and support decision-making, so that you can know how much the market pays for a post taking into account the level of performance and competence of the person who is exercising the same in the company.
When it comes it comes to business plan will be assessed the validation process of an idea, the entrepreneur conducts through the detailed planning of the company. To prepare it, have elements to decide whether or not to open the company envisioned launch a new product designed and carry out an expansion etc.
The expected results that this project makes it possible for professionals to further improve and understand how necessary it is to Performance Evaluation and know how it is an important Personnel Management tool corresponding to an analysis of professional performance for behavioral attitudes , activities carried out established goals and results achieved. In financial mathematics part we will cover the cost of the unit design of this project. Leadership will be addressed as the ability to inspire people, translating the vision of the organization, obtaining the commitment of followers voluntarily, so the leadership is a process of intentional influence, direct or indirect, explicit a person over others, with order to structure and facilitate activities and relationships in a group or organization.
Anyway it will be treated the topic of performance evaluation that when done positively, has many benefits and many beneficiaries. Among many other benefits, assessing the major advantage is to allow the performance improves - which will benefit everyone. This is the main reason of the evaluation: feedback on the amount improves performance. This is a central point in modern management.
Is it possible to understand how the performance evaluation process within the company ANGA and the challenges faced in the competitive market. Through a SWOT analysis it will be possible to understand the challenges and opportunities within the performance evaluation and what the points of improvement in the current process.
Ilustração 1: Gráfico do tipo de contrato de trabalho.................................................14
Ilustração 2: organograma da empresa.....................................................................17
Ilustração 3: Análise Swot – AngáAsset Management..............................................32
Tabela 1: Nível de classificação porte empresa.........................................................13
Tabela 2: Cargo, salário e atividades da empresa......................................................19
Tabela 3: Formulário de avaliação de desempenho AngáAsset Management..........29
1. DESCRIÇÃO DA EMPRESA..........................................................................12
1.1. Dados da origem da empresa.........................................................................12
1.2. A origem do nome Angá..................................................................................12
1.3. Natureza e ramo de atuação...........................................................................12
1.4. Informação sobre o porte da empresa.............................................................13
1.5. Principais equipamentos, classificação de trabalho e funcionários.................13
1.6. Principais produtos..........................................................................................14
1.7. Principais fornecedores...................................................................................15
1.8. Ramos de atuação e público-alvo...................................................................15
2. Ramos de atuação e público-alvo...................................................................16
2.1. Principais concorrentes...................................................................................16
2.2. Organograma da empresa...............................................................................17