- TCC, Modelos de monografias, Trabalhos de universidades, Ensaios, Bibliografias

Redação Futebol

Por:   •  1/11/2018  •  958 Palavras (4 Páginas)  •  313 Visualizações

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Arbitration Team

A football match is conducted by an arbitration team, consisting of one referee, two assistant referees and the designated 4th referee.

All of them usually use equipment that presents a different color of the equipment colors of football teams, in order not to be confused with them.

The referee has the function of controlling the time of the game, marking its beginning and its end and is responsible for supervising, in the course of the game, the discipline of the players, preventing them from violating the established rules. Whenever an athlete commits a foul, the referee shall indicate the offense in favor of the team that has been injured. Depending on the gravity of the foul, it also has the function of showing the yellow and red cards to the players.

The assistant referees use a small flag to signal the strengths of each team and help the referee to score fouls in situations of doubt.

At the end of each meeting, the referee must prepare a report, which must be submitted to the entity responsible for the organization of the game in question.

As of 1995, the arbitration teams now have another element, the fourth referee. Its function is to assist the principal arbitrator in resolving doubtful situations which may occur outside the main judge's angle of view.


Among the various sports, football is the one that has contributed the most to international projection of the country's image.

Football is the national sport that plays an important role as an educational tool, as it creates opportunities and prepares the new generations for football. In addition to putting children from all walks of life side by side, it teaches values such as cooperation and respect and reduces cultural differences.


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