- TCC, Modelos de monografias, Trabalhos de universidades, Ensaios, Bibliografias

Aula de ingles - present continuous

Por:   •  10/4/2018  •  622 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  540 Visualizações

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I still have my doubts… and so does Alfie because he says: “you are not really studying at all, are you?” Alfie sounds sceptical (Alfie is doubtful:) /doutful/ . Unconvinced.

Step 4:

Now, I want you to pay attention in this words in bold (strong in colour or shape):

How can we talk about something that is happening at the time of speaking, as to say, when the action is not finished.

Can you pick a phrase?

Eg: He’s sending a message to Billy.

Use verb to be + main verb + ing > for all persons

(This grammar structure is called “Present continuous”)

How can we transform these verbs?

Send – sending

Upload – uploading

Study -studying


Have – having

Swim – swimming

What about the negative?

Oliver is not studying. – put the verb to be into the negative form.

When speaking always use the contraction.

(interrogative) Is he studying? – put the verb to be in front of the subject.

Step 4: You will receive these cards and, in pairs I want you to describe to each other what these peope are doing. When you finish, you can replace the cards with another pair. Got it? Any problems.

Before we start, can anyone guess what all these pictures have in common?

Well, it’s a beautiful Saturday afternoon, so people are outdoors.

We are surround by four walls, so we are indoors. If we were out there in the street, we’d be outdoors.

Shall we start? Can we try to describe together? So first card. If you look closer, you will notice that each person has their name written right above their heads. 4…3…2…1


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