The Game: English & Game
Por: Sara • 13/12/2017 • 752 Palavras (4 Páginas) • 404 Visualizações
The house in which the pawn stop defines the task should respond or run ("Right or Wrong", "Divination?"; "Questions", "gifts", "Penalties").
If the pawn falls in the homes of "Gifts" or "penalties":
The player automatically performs the task described in the house and begins to turn to the other team.
If the pawn fall into one of the houses "Right or Wrong", "Divination?" And "Questions":
A player of the opposing team takes a letter from the corresponding category stack and reads aloud to the team that is running the task.
If the team answers correctly to the task, throw the dice again, walking the number of the boxes with the pawn, performs the next task and so on.
If the team answer wrong, the right to roll the dice and advance houses with the pawn moves to the opposing team.
Before proceeding with the game, the opposing team must say what would be the correct answer and remove this card from the game (putting it to the side up, in a new pile next to the board).
The team that arrives first at the end of the board is the winner of the game.
But ultimately, all participants gain, learning and having fun!
This game English & Game, it is important in teaching materials due teach the vocabulary and grammar of the English language for children aged 12 years, in a relaxed and fun way, facilitating learning, especially children who have no skill and no like this theme.
BRANSFORD, John D. (Ed); BROWN, Ann L. (Ed); COCKING, Rodney R. (Ed); DONOVAN, M. Suzanne (Ed); Pellegrino, James W(Ed). How people learn: brain, mind, experience, and school. Washington, DC : National Academy Press, 2000. 374 p.
CORNELL, Joseph. Sharing nature with children: the classic parent’s and teacher’s nature awareness guidebook. Nevada City, CA : Dawn Publications, 1998. 176 p.
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