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Against Believing Everything on the Media

Por:   •  10/11/2017  •  1.861 Palavras (8 Páginas)  •  562 Visualizações

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for many reasons. One example is from the article "Why Humans Value Sensational News: an Evolutionary Perspective" that quoted "Let a Gazette come out filled with the finest descriptions of prosperity, general health, growing trade, internal peace and prevailing virtue." in this part the article showed a newspaper that came with good news to people, but are these things what people want to see in a newspaper? They should be news that people want to see on the newspapers, but they were not. The article "Why Humans Value Sensational News: an Evolutionary Perspective" continued saying "It will be read almost with indifference and thrown away...” this is the real reaction of people reading good things on newspapers. On article "Why Humans Value Sensational News: an Evolutionary Perspective" also shown the contrast "In contrast, let Gazette inform us detail of a plague, civil war, or dreadful famine and this paper would deeply engage the attention, be read over and over again and pronounced a valuable paper.". This is the people’s reaction when they read bad news because it is what they really want to see in a newspaper. People prefer to see bad news in the newspaper because they can talk about it for many times, and it looks more interesting that a subject discussing about healthy food or something like this. Since a long time in the past, journalists have perceived that people want to see bad news instead good news. Bad news sell more newspapers than good news, and sell means that they can get more money with bad news than with good news. As a result, sensationalism is used for many kinds of media in all the world. The article "Why Humans Value Sensational News: an Evolutionary Perspective" discussed about if many of us assume that sensational news is unworthy, why do so many people demonstrated its value by spending money on it? The news on the front page are chosen by the emotional impact of the story according to the article. The article also discussed that psychology identifies have influenced the success of sensationalism; e.g., altruism, reputation, cheater detection, violence, reproductive strategies, and the treatment of offspring. This make sense if we think in the way that people like sensational news.

Sensationalism is not a recent creation of humans. It has been seen on newspapers since 1700 and in many different ways according to the article “Why Humans Value Sensational News: an Evolutionary Perspective."

People should not believe on media because media companies have their own biases that shape the news that they reports. One of the biggest example is about the Walt Disney companies. Walt Disney has a theme park that is the most known in the world, but he also has the TV company who is the most valuable media property called ESPN, so it is easy to see the connection between them. ESPN has never shown news about Walt Disney or bad news about Disney World. ESPN also helps Disney to become even more famous. Walt Disney also has another TV company called ABC TV which also had never told bad stories about Disney World. In addition, Wald Disney has four more TV companies what makes his corporation one of the big corporations that controls the media. How can people trust on news that is controlled by companies’ interests? People have to be more concerned about what believe because all the world nowadays are controlled by big corporations. In the U.S. most of the TV companies have biased information influenced by the companies that they are owned.

One big problem with the media today is the influence of the big corporations. Clarifying, one example of this is the U.S. media which 90% of them are controlled by big corporations according to the article "These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America". The 6 corporations are: General Electric, News-Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, and CBS. In the past, 50 companies owned 90% of American Media, but in 2011 the same 90% is controlled by only 6 companies according to the article "These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America.". These corporations controls almost everything that people see on the TV. The News-Corp also owns the top newspaper on the U.S according to the article. As result, people in these days have to think more in what kind of news they can trust because the news can have biased information which are influenced by the companies; mainly in the U.S. people should be more concerned about the things that they saw on TV.

Some people say that people shouldn’t trust in the media, but they are wrong. Another say that unbiased news are hard to find, but they are wrong too. There are many examples of good and real news in the world. Big TV companies also have credible news. Another kind of media is the social media, such as twitter. According to the article " Social Media as a Credible News Source" the social media can also be used to show credible news, like when Osama Bin Laden was killed, one of the first place that he news spread out was the social media. There are many ways to find good sources of news, according to the article "Trusted Sources" which rank the media companies in the U.S. shows the most trusted ways of communication. For example, the best newspapers are Christian Science Monitor, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, The Guardian, The Politico, and Washington Post. On TV the best companies are: BBC News, CNN, and Democracy Now. Finally, the best magazine companies are: Atlantic Monthly,


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