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Desordem Mental

Por:   •  2/5/2018  •  1.131 Palavras (5 Páginas)  •  334 Visualizações

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accept to go to a psychiatrist, which make them feel even worse than before.

Another issue in this kind of psychological behavior is that science didn’t found a medication yet. The thing is that there’s not many people for science do the study to discover the cure because the patients don’t believe they have a mental issue. The only thing that might help them is psycho-therapy, but it will be easier if they look for a psychologist before they complete three years feeling these things, and if the person don’t go look for help as soon as possible, they have a big chance to have hallucination and/or delirium.

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Dissociative Identify Disorder is popularly known as double personality. It is a mental condition where the person demonstrates the features of two or more personalities. It’s like there’s two kinds of operational systems in a computer: if you accesses one, you can’t see the files in the other one, but, the difference with human beings is that they can’t choose what personality to “use”. In other words, which personality has it’s own memories, it’s own culture, it’s own language, it’s own way to react and even so, one can be (in all the ways) female and the other one male.

Some people confuse it with somebody who doesn’t know who they want to be, but, in fact, that person who’s acting in a distinct personality actually see himself like it. If it’s a men and he’s acting like a woman, he really sees himself as a woman.

Even with the ethnicity it happens, the patient one hour was from one country, following the culture, acting like it, and another hour from a totally different country. There’s an article that talks about patients who even speaks in different languages.

The causes for this issue isn’t clear yet. Science has been working to find out how it can happen and why for years now. Some people started having this kind of problem after a really traumatic moment, but it’s not enough to explain the reasons and it’s not with everybody that started this way. Maybe there’s not an answer for these questions yet because this disorder is confused a lot with schizophrenia, which is a really serious mental disease that involves chronic psychosis, where the person see and hear things that aren’t real (hallucinations), and believe in things that isn’t real either (delirium).

The symptoms for this disorder are depression, change of humor, suicide tendencies, sleeplessness, seep-walking, anxiety, panic attack, headaches, amnesia, trance and “experiences outside of the body”. And, for the cure, how science doesn’t even found out the reasons yet, the only way to get better, not healed, is the psycho-therapy.


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