This paper was prepared for Health Assessment of Family, Section 011, taught by Dr. Lal
Por: SonSolimar • 12/10/2017 • 3.063 Palavras (13 Páginas) • 571 Visualizações
The first stage includes the output of home person. At this stage the person suffering the stress of gaining independence both economically and emotionally in relation to their parents. The second stage includes the commitment of both the woman and the man in relation to your partner; the tasks to be fulfilled refer to the establishment of a close relationship between the partners and the further development of emotional separation from their parents. The third stage is related to learning to live together; it would be the stage where the couple learns to divide the various roles in a balanced way and also the relationship family and friends becomes more independent. The arrival of a new member to the family, the first child, it would be the fourth stage in the life cycle, in which the tasks associated with it would be the adjustment of the marital system to make space for the child, both at educational responsibility as financial and splitting the role of parents. After this phase, comes to live with the teenager. It is the fifth stage, which should increase the flexibility of family boundaries to include the independence of children and fragility of the older generation, as well as strengthen the marital and professional issues in the middle of life. In the sixth stage will attend his son's departure, commonly called "nest empty," in which they must be accepted various inputs and outputs in the family system, like going back to live as a couple without children, setting the end of the parental role, development adult relationship to adult between grown children and their parents. The seventh stage refers to the stage of retirement. The changes to be faced are: the end of the regular salary, requiring a financial adjustment; development of new relationships with children, grandchildren and spouses. Finally, the last stage refers to old age, in which they must deal with the loss of skills and increased dependence on others, as well as dealing with the loss of friends, family and possibly the spouse. Therefore, knowledge of family development is of utmost importance and usefulness for health professionals working with the family, including nursing, because it facilitates the prediction anticipates the challenges that will be faced in a family development stage and assists the same to recognize the changes and move forward its development.
Also, the developmental and family life cycle provides a framework to understand the stresses and dysfunctional transition caused by anxiety and other emotions among divorcing families. The theory divide the divorce process 6 phases, which start with the decision to divorce, and the biggest developmental issue presented in this phase is the acceptance of the marriage failure. The second stage consists on planning the breakup of the system, when the couple must handle and develop the capacity to work cooperatively on decisions as finances, custody, visitation and dealing with the extended family. The third stage, separation, the family must learn to restructure the parent-child and marital relationships, and to live apart, realign relationship with extended family. The divorce stage, as fourth stage, the family need to work more on emotional aspects, because they have to deal with the idea of a lack of intact family, retrieval of hopes, goals, and expectations. After the divorce, the post-divorce family will need to work to provide flexible visitation arrangements with ex-spouse, rebuild own finances, social network, and deal with new and different responsibilities.
Family Assessment
1- Health-Perception–Health-Management Pattern
1.1) History
Ednauria has a constant migraine and Luciano make usage of alcohol and cigarettes. However, the family has a good health history in general. No colds and few work absences. For exercise, family plays volleyball every Thursday. The family is on good standing with the immunization; also they have Health Care Insurance. Low frequency of check-ups; No Accidents. They have a medicine storage in the kitchen cup-board, out of reach of children as the cleaning products. The family follow the physicians and nurses suggestions easily.
1.2) Examination
- The family shows a good standing appearance, the house is organized and clean, and the members shows good relationship.
2-Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern
2.1) History
The family has a typical food intake that is typically Brazilian, rice, beans, meet steak, salads, pasta and breads. Vitamin Supplements used. Fluid intake are water, soda, coffee, and fruit juices. All have good appetite, Samuel shows great appetite for healthy food as vegetables (broccoli); No present dental problems; No present and visible skin or healing problems.
2.2) Examination
Refrigerator contains juices, meat, eggs, milk, non-fat butter, mayonnaise, vegetables, and most of non-processed food. Meals are mostly well cooked. For the breakfast usually coffee, breads, and cereals. Lunch usually rice, beans, meat, salads. For dinner usually meat, pasta, rice.
3- Elimination Pattern
3.1) History
The family make no usage of laxatives or other aids. No waste and garbage disposal problems. Pets' or animals' waste disposal outdoor. Does not report problems with flies, roaches, or rodents.
3.2) Examination
Good standing of toilet facilities, closed garbage disposal, and outdoor pet waste disposal; no indicators of risk for flies, roaches, and rodents.
4-Activity-Exercise Pattern
4.1) History
In general, the family get a little exercise. They practice some volleyball once per week. Family has active leisure activities, especially with Samuel and the dog. No problems in transporting groceries and shopping because they have four cars, no cooking and keeping up the house problems, Ednauria is very comfortable about cooking and keeping the house and sometimes has problems with Luciano within the house keeping.
4.2) Examination
Good standing of general home maintenance and personal maintenance.
5-Sleep-Rest Pattern
5.1) History
Generally, family members does