National Social Work Day brings out the importance of this profession
Por: Jose.Nascimento • 13/2/2018 • 1.261 Palavras (6 Páginas) • 585 Visualizações
is necessary that, increasingly, the social worker is a critical professional, educated and committed to articulate the ethical and political dimension of our profession in the defense of democratic values, in defense of what is set out in our code of ethics, expansion and universalization of public policies in the struggle to end the oppression, exploitation and expansion of human rights. We need to have this joint and also we reinforce the theoretical and methodological dimension to unravel the social reality get to reflect on this nefarious context of withdrawal of rights ", said the President. For her, the current model society, marked by capitalist ideology requires, unlike the profile highlighted by her social worker, a professional increasingly shortsighted and technicalities in order to give an immediate response and emptied the social demands.
Week / a Social Worker
To mark the passage of time, the Regional Council of Social Service 18a. Region / Sergipe held, between 13 and 15 May, the "Week / a Social Worker." The vast event program included lecture with one of the biggest references in Social Work in Brazil, the teacher Yolanda Guerra UFRJ, presentation of academic papers and socializing category. Still on schedule, the CRESS held in partnership with the councilman Iran Barbosa (PT) a historic special session in the City Council of Aracaju, which discussed "60 years of social work in Sergipe: Progress and Challenges in the current capital crisis context ".
With broad participation of the category, the event brought together social and union activists, professionals, students and researchers of social work in different regions of Sergipe. Focused on the theme "Professional wrestling, professional gift!", The event discussed the professional to the social worker, the challenges experienced by them in the implementation of social policies, and role of this category of social transformation in the current context. It was also discussed, especially in the City Council of Aracaju, poor professional working conditions of social work.
The president of CRESS, Itanamara Guedes explains that, just to give visibility to a set of guidelines on professional of Social Service, the event intended to give visibility to the campaign "In the Struggle for Strengthening Social Service", launched in November last year by the institution. Among the main guidelines of the campaign are the defense of the fulfillment of the Law 12.317 / 2010, which regulates the working hours of 30 hours of weekly work for the social workers, the struggle for approval of the PL 5278/2009 establishing the minimum wage category and the defense of more public tenders for the area.
"A week / a Social Worker embodies the union of our category. It is very important that the category should meet to exchange knowledge, experience and add the forces for the struggles to fight against social inequalities "social worker of Our Lady of Glory, Edvânia Silva Santos, who participated in the activities of the event. Kamilla Santos da Silva, a social worker who works in Aracaju, reinforces the activity was an important forum for exchange. "This is a time when social workers who have different performances come together to have this exchange of experiences and information. The professional must know the other focus areas of social work and public policy, including direct users that caters properly, "he said.