- TCC, Modelos de monografias, Trabalhos de universidades, Ensaios, Bibliografias


Por:   •  4/4/2018  •  3.826 Palavras (16 Páginas)  •  350 Visualizações

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PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Segurança; Fiscalização; Consciência.

ABSTRACT[pic 12]


The project is relevant because one must take into consideration the worker safety in the workplace. Since businesses require increased attention to the employee, the employer and those involved in them many risks of accidents, which can be mild conduct, as injuries and fatal as death. With this, we realize the importance of alert and inform everyone about the dangers in an organization and as an extreme security and as personal protective equipment and collective contribute to the performance and growth of an organization is necessary. For the realization of the project, we used bibliographic research in books and internet sites. He conducted field research with workers of some companies. Following the conclusions of the research, booklets will be made to inform workers about the importance of using safety equipment. With the survey in a company, it was noticed that all employees know what they meant EPI and EPC, and they used and the company has também.Viu the company informed the workers about the importance of safety equipment, and that they knew what it meant safety. They said they have never ceased to use the equipment, and everyone in the organization used correctly, but when it did not, the punishment was chingamentos. They reported that there is supervision in the company as security and that it properly use the safety equipment. It can be concluded with this work, the safety of people in an organization is of paramount importance, both for the employer and for the employee, because the better your well being, consequently, the higher your income. It must implement actions and socio educational proposals to protect the physical integrity of workers, for the moment that the organization cares about their employees, they are valued, and thus, become more motivated to work. Prizes to the companies taking outreach initiatives of concrete information to their employees and that they also try to be vigilant about the safety rules and follow them. It is of great importance to study in schools, through lectures, dynamic, or otherwise, for students to learn and be aware of organizational security early, that supposedly will be inserted in the labor market, which offers many benefits, but also requires a lot of security to achieve them.

KEWORDS: Security; Oversight; Consciousness.

[pic 13]

SUMÁRIO[pic 14]

1. INTRODUÇÃO...................................................................................................................08

1.1 Problemática............................................................................................................08

1.2 Justificativa..............................................................................................................08

1.3 Objetivos.................................................................................................................08

1.3.1 Objetivo geral...........................................................................................08

1.3.2 Objetivo específicos..................................................................................09

1.4 Metodologia.............................................................................................................09

1.5 Hipóteses.................................................................................................................09

2. SEGURANÇA DO TRABALHO.......................................................................................10

2.1. Perfil do técnico de segurança do trabalho………………………………………..11

3. RISCOS NO AMBIENTE DE TRABALHO…………………..…...................................12

3.1 Acidente de trabalho: como agir……………..……………………………………13

3.2 O papel das entidades nacionais e internacionais………………………………….14

4. EQUIPAMENTOS DE PROTEÇÃO……………………………………………………16

4.1 Equipemento de Proteção Individual………………………………………….......16

4.2 Equipamento de Proteção Coletiva………………………………………………..16

4.3 Consequências…………………………………………………………………….16


6. CRONOGRAMA…………………………………………………………………………19

7. APÊNDICE………………………………………………………………………………..20

8. ANEXOS………..................................................................................................................21

9. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS……………………………………………………….….…22


[pic 15]


O trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um conjunto de medidas preventivas, visando proteger as pessoas dentro de uma organização, bem como, alertar sobre os acidentes de trabalho. A segurança no trabalho propõe a empresa e aos colaboradores, uma série de equipamentos de proteção individual e coletivo que, são abordados em lei como aquisição de suma importância.

- Problemática:

Como os equipamentos de proteção individual e coletivo contribuem para o rendimento e crescimento


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