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Mulher e desigualdade de genero

Por:   •  4/5/2018  •  5.668 Palavras (23 Páginas)  •  284 Visualizações

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É de fundamental importância conhecer as drogas que estão presentes no cotidiano da sociedade moderna, tendo em vista que estão cada dia mais frequentes. São as mais variadas e tendem a aumentar, e para o estudo apresentado as substancias proibida são as mais pertinentes, já que refletem no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro.

O uso de álcool e drogas na sociedade atual é consequência de hábitos e costumes antigos disseminados na cultura mundial. Algumas pessoas podem fazer uso de determinadas substâncias e não se tornarem dependentes desta. Contudo, há pessoas que tem pré-disposição a essa doença conhecida como a dependência química e o alcoolismo e não conseguem se controlar perante a substância, trazendo as mais variadas consequências para o meio social, familiar, ambiente de trabalho, entre outras. É necessário tratamento adequado para famílias e para os próprios usuários que devem estar em constante observação. É preciso que a sociedade encare esta doença como de fato é, e não com preconceito, para que juntos possamos alcançar uma sociedade melhor.

PALAVRAS CHAVES: Drogas. Álcool. Sociedade. Consequência.


This work aims to study public health issues, drug addiction and alcoholism, which present numerous legal repercussions, which are present in all environments and social classes, are democratic illnesses and family. What it requires is the search for prevention and rehabilitation of the sick individual measures in the current modern society.

The use of drugs addictive substances are always very nice and give a strong sense of well being to whom ingested, inhaled or injected, that is, there is physical dependence and psychological dependence.

In colonial times was indistinguishable between drugs and food, indigenous people used some spices such as food, but also used as medicine. There was a clear breakdown in the distinction between drugs and food. Today it is evident that division, as there is a political and legal control.

The most effective tool to get pleasure and combat physical and mental pain is through drugs. To the point that the drugs are considered the gods themselves embodied for some religions, as in the case of wine, seen as the representation of Dionysus and Bacchus as Christ himself, whose drink symbolizes his blood in the ceremonies.

State intervention to the use of licit and illicit drugs dating from the early twentieth century, which remained over international treaties, specific legislation, police apparatuses. The state control to combat drugs in Brazil began after commitment at the International Conference Opium, held in The Hague in 1911 to combat the use of opium and cocaine.

The first Brazilian law to regulate the use of opium, morphine, heroin and cocaine date of 1921 and the only possibility of lawful use was through medical recommendations. Marijuana prohibition took place in 1930, more as a form of repression the conduct of a certain social class than the prohibition of the plant.

The prohibition of drug use was not able to prevent its use even to contain the violence in the face of drug trafficking, beginning the emergence of drug gangs.

Throughout history, various laws and decrees were created for the drugs fight thus was subjected to further analysis of the President and on 23 August 2006 and was enacted Law 11,343, which entered the legal system with multiple weak points, but better than the laws in force until then.

Law 11.343 of 2006 adopted the sole paragraph of Article 1, the drug terminology, which allows a broader interpretation and is also the term used by the general population, and this is used by the World Health Organization.

The new law does not bring the legislative body which substances are considered illegal for the Brazilian legal system, ie, it is a criminal standard blank. To find out which prohibited substances should check the lists drawn up by the EU executive, the preparation of these lists is the responsibility of the Ministry of Health.

Some concepts are important to consider and clarify in the face of its specificity. These concepts allow us to distinguish the types of people who find related to drug use and trafficking, the type of dependence that the individual has, which is the withdrawal syndrome and the stages by which the subject passes to reach the chronic state acquiring physical dependence and psychological drugs.

Drugs can be classified by various criteria and can be used to change feelings, thoughts or feelings, and may be classified as narcotics and psychotropic substances. When used in a different form of the recommended medical standards, this consumption is replaced by negative connotation to the individual, it may lead to some kind of addiction.

It is vital to know the drugs that are present in everyday life of modern society, with a view that are becoming more frequent day. They are varied and tend to increase, and the study presented the prohibited substances are the most relevant, as reflected in the Brazilian legal system.

The use of alcohol and drugs in society today is the result of habits and old customs disseminated in world culture. Some people can make use of certain substances and not become dependent on that. However, there are people who have predisposition to the disease known as drug addiction and alcoholism, and can not control themselves before the substance, bringing the most varied consequences for the social, family, work environment, among others. We need appropriate treatment for families and for the users who should be in constant observation. It is necessary that society stare this disease as a fact is, not with prejudice, so that we can achieve a better society.

KEYWORDS : Drugs . Alcohol. Society. Consequence .


1 INTRODUÇÃO..........................................................................................................9

2 REFERENCIAL TEÓRICO......................................................................................10

2.1 ORIGENS DAS DROGAS....................................................................................10


2.3 ÁLCOOL E CRIME............................................................................................. 12



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