Treinamento CAEx
Por: Juliana2017 • 30/1/2018 • 1.413 Palavras (6 Páginas) • 371 Visualizações
Hardware Requirements
Trainings plant with following configuration
[pic 4]
First Steps
New Type Instance
Define a new Object with the name "Functions"
Local Variables
Define following Variables with the Variable Declaration Editor:
- "Input_1" to "Input_10" ( BOOL)
- "Output_1" to Output_5 (BOOL)
- "Integer_1" to "Integer_3" (INTEGER)
- "Float_1" to "Float_5" (REAL)
- "Time_1" to "Time_3" (TIME)
Utilize the bistable Module "RS" and connect the pins with Input and Output variables.
Offline Simulation
Start and force the Inputs.
[pic 5]
Utilize the Timer Module "TON" and connect the pins with Inputs and Output variables.
Offline Simulation
Start and force the Inputs.
[pic 6]
global Variables
Define a new Object with the name "GlobalVariable"
With the Variable Declaration Editor define:
- "G_Input_1 ( BOOL)
- "G_Integer_1 (INTEGER)
- "G_Float_1 (REAL)
Use the new variables in the Type instance "Functions"
New Type Instance
Define a new Object with the name "Destination"
Use the new variables as well.
Offline Simulation (TASK)
Start and force the three global Variables
In which section are the variables stored?
global Parameters
Define a new Object with the name "GlobalParameter"
With the Variable Declaration Editor define:
- "P_TIME_1" ( TIME) with an Initial Value of 15 sec.
- "P_Integer_1" (INTEGER) with an Initial Value of 400
- "P_Float_1" (REAL) ) with an Initial Value of 85.5
TI Functions
- Utilize a new TON and connect the pins with Input and Output variables.
For the time Pin "PT" use the new Parameter "P-TIME_1)
- Utilize a EQ (IEC61131-3/Compare) and use the Parameter "P_Integer_1" and "P_Float_1"
Offline Simulation (TASK)
Start the Simulation
What is the result?
……………………………….. [pic 7]
Early Error Detection
Perform a double Click on the Error in the "Error-state viewer" and start the "Early Error Detection".
Solve the Problem and start the Simulation again.
Value Field
Create a Value Field for the Data Types:
- Bool (TRUE)
- Integer (-2)
- Real (23.567)
- Time (1h 10min 20sec)
Utilize them with modules in the Type Instance "Functions"
Open the section SIG and move the following signals with Drag and Drop in the Value Field of your Type Instance.
- 1.MEX11.AP001.XB03
- 1.MEX11.AP001.XB03_STATE (with S, GI, NT, IV)
Use the "FILTER DISPLAY" and set the Filter *.XR01* for the "Name" and move the following signal
- 1.MEX11.AP001.XR01
- 1.MEX11.AP001.XR01_STATE ( VALUE)
in the Value Field of your Type Instance.