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Língua Estrangeira Licenciatura em Letras Português e Inglês

Por:   •  21/11/2017  •  1.131 Palavras (5 Páginas)  •  667 Visualizações

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The game

The handball game consists of two halves of 30 (thirty ) minutes with ten (10) minute break between them in the last Olympics in Atlanta 1996 ¾ ¾ it was allowed to use the time, as in volleyball.

Athletes playing handball

[pic 2]

The number of substitutions is unlimited but they must be made ​​in 4,45m space each team has especially to do so , they are also made in Space 4,45m que each time especially paragraph HAVE THAT, THEY Are Made Also without a game interruption and it is what I need to hum player to leave the court completely, before the Other que Enter Your place the event Improper replacement, IT MUST be advised When referee of the match the Bureau of the game, which consists of a timekeeper and scorer of goals hum. And THEN, the player has committed an infraction que receives a punishment of Two Minutes.

The basic objective of the game of handball and maneuver the opponent Passing skillful ball and quickly between OS Jocks When possible and throw it When opponent goal, scoring hum point If a ball exceeds Quite a goal line. You need Very Body Game paragraph deceive the opponent and leave a free companion. Football and basketball like no no, I need quickly Changing Direction, Speed ​​and USE unexpected happens (such as time and time NBA style) To achieve the goal.

As punishments are not handball Very strict and vary from a warning with the yellow card Up to a disqualification with the Red. Following, a list with All Possible punishments as:

Yellow card (warning): How to serve one warning hum player, and in some faults USED BY Complaint OR WHEN NOT Leave the player the ball in place after a marking to referee.

Two minutes: the handball player que Receive THIS punishment Minutes MUST Stay PER two Game forums without right to substitution, IE your FICA time with hum player a Least Two Minutes, THIS punishment And given the violent fouls UO one replacements incorrect. The player receives Also Two Minutes Case for Receiving the yellow Second and if the time has already Yellow Two of the next Sera Card replaced by a two minutes.

Red card (disqualification): WHEN A player Receive hum Red Card HE MUST withdraw from the court, ALSO that the Bank Reserves and More CAN NOT return to the court during a match. Time IS with hum player a Least Two Minutes And Then In this pace CAN Complete time with another player, from que NOT BE One Who was Sent. A handball player CAN NOT Receive More Three During a game, if it happens HIM AND disqualified from the game, As if he had won hum Red Card.


The handball and a sport Much like soccer but played with as hands , and ONLY seven Jocks, not eleven .

To practice - it requires hum great physical effort because the game is very fast, and requires That the athlete has strength not arm to throw , Concentration and Precision paragraph Pass and steal the ball from the opponent and a great speed paragraph Getting Keeping in field .



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