- TCC, Modelos de monografias, Trabalhos de universidades, Ensaios, Bibliografias

Análise texto "Who Care"

Por:   •  21/9/2018  •  958 Palavras (4 Páginas)  •  556 Visualizações

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According with definition, health is the absence of pain or physical and mental problems, It is synonymous health body. When we feel anything is because there are some problem in our body. To have a good health, we must be careful with our body having a balanced diet, a careful hygiene, practice some physical exercise, try to relax more with your family or friends and try to sleep at least 8 hours a night, and prevent the appearance of problems by going to the doctor, to do an annual checkup periodically and preventively. Take care!


What is education? In general, education means the manner in which the habits, customs and values of a community are passed on from one generation to another. In other words, it is the process of teaching and learning, or the socialization of individuals. That is, education is really all that we learn in life, or, in the most didactic sense, are the teachings that are received in school. Education has to do with learning, experiencing, developing a person's intellectual, physical and moral capacity.


True friendship, colorful, childhood, school, work, with invisible friend, with your pet ... many are the shapes and many feelings involved, but the greatest of all feelings is love. Real friends its equals a brothers. It does not matter if the friend is a person or animal, a plant or just the invisible friend. You love and put trust, affection and all possible love into this friendship. True friendships are for life. Even that time is in charge of separating physically, the feeling prevails. Who has friends, even if few, has another family. Friendships are important in our lives.


For a long time, television has a fascination with people. TV fascinates young and old. In ancient times the programs were only on radios and the public did not have the possibility to know their idols, or to accompany the scenes. When the TV appeared, it was a communication revolution. Today the TV is bigger, more "intelligent" and functional. The TV is digital and with many possibilities of interactivity, because you can also connect to the internet. It's like a big computer of various sizes. They are almost like the huge movie screens, only in the comfort of our home.


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