- TCC, Modelos de monografias, Trabalhos de universidades, Ensaios, Bibliografias

Energia solar

Por:   •  26/5/2018  •  1.106 Palavras (5 Páginas)  •  469 Visualizações

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The paper will review the most popular solar technologies, examine the current state of solar globally, discuss the costs associated with the generation of solar power, evaluate various applications of solar power and review policies surrounding solar power. Solar energy can be converted into electrical energy using various technologies like photovoltaic panels (PV), concentrating solar thermal power (CSP) and concentrating photovoltaics (CVT). The cost of electricity produced from PV systems is still higher than the other competing technologies, this cost is expected to continue to decline steadily. These reductions in cost combined with the simplicity, versatility, reliability, and low environmental impact, should help PV systems to become highly utilized sources. Increasingly, solar power is being used for programs which develop education, water supply and healthcare in developing countries, for example, Indonesia, Philippines, Kenya. The main role of all types of solar power in developing countries is twofold: easing the burden of energy production for everyday tasks and lessening the carbon emissions of developing economies. Solar power is proving to be an attractive opportunity in terms of both business and power generation. The price of solar continues to drop in relation the rising cost of fossil fuels, the next decade is sure to see solar power as a primary and cost-effective power source that reduces environmental impacts and increases energy security.

The paper will review the most popular solar technologies, examine the current state of solar globally, discuss the costs associated with the generation of solar power, evaluate various applications of solar power and review policies surrounding solar power. Solar energy can be converted into electrical energy using various technologies like photovoltaic panels (PV), concentrating solar thermal power (CSP) and concentrating photovoltaics (CVT). The cost of electricity produced from PV systems is still higher than the other competing technologies, this cost is expected to continue to decline steadily. These reductions in cost combined with the simplicity, versatility, reliability, and low environmental impact, should help PV systems to become highly utilized sources. Increasingly, solar power is being used for programs which develop education, water supply and healthcare in developing countries, for example, Indonesia, Philippines, Kenya. The main role of all types of solar power in developing countries is twofold: easing the burden of energy production for everyday tasks and lessening the carbon emissions of developing economies. Solar power is proving to be an attractive opportunity in terms of both business and power generation. The price of solar continues to drop in relation the rising cost of fossil fuels, the next decade is sure to see solar power as a primary and cost-effective power source that reduces environmental impacts and increases energy security.


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