- TCC, Modelos de monografias, Trabalhos de universidades, Ensaios, Bibliografias

Deliquência Juvenil

Por:   •  22/10/2017  •  1.754 Palavras (8 Páginas)  •  362 Visualizações

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Psychologists affirm that he/she enters the 2 á 3 years of age, they begin to appear manifestations of the statement of the ego-personalistico, in this phase the child usually tries to affirm and to exercise to can on the family, what frequently happens for the negativism.

4 - An abysmal Distinction between a citizen thief and a good citizen

It can come a partner-psychological explanation, affirming that the circumstances in that the person lives, they take her/it to be a decent person or indecent. Like this being, the statement could be deepened saying that the human being is a psico-partner-somatic being in construction. Consequently it is in the process of construction of his/her personality that and the personality or to be in a certain place and we be observed for other, and of his/her social structuring that the human being is formed as good citizen or as thief.

4.1 - persistent antisocial behavior

All and any aggressive actividade, intimidator or destructive that it provokes damages to the quality of other people's life.

According to the historical-cultural conception all of the psychic processes that it develops a person, processes that were lived in first place were socially, this from the sensation, perception, thought, memory and imagination, they form the man's intellectual life, and those live socio cultural are the ones that but they guide with adult or smaller force to who he/she lives her for the superior levels, case that doesn't happen, atonics relapses in the following antisocial behaviors:

- Precocious anti-social manifestations

- Actividade unsocial person that is prolonged in the adult age

- It represents a reduced fracção of the ones that practice social acts

Antisocial behaviors that a child can present in the future

- Weak social competences

- Aggressive behavior with the pairs

- Behavior disruptivo in the classroom

- Coercive in relation to the teacher: he/she has attitudes of challenge of the authority Poor relationships with the pairs

4.1.1 - strong points (they allow to the criminal to explore the other ones)

- Games of power: need to exercise domain and control on the other ones. Manipulation;

- Confrontation: the criminal's communication is characterized by omissions and for being unilateral not taking in consideration the point of view of the other (nature of the confrontation);

- Energy: elevated level of physical and mental energy;

- False pride: tendency for sobrevalorizar the singular and only character of their characteristics or accomplishments (it happens more in the serious criminals and less in the moderate ones);

- Corrosion: I process mental that allows to the criminal to move away ideas or you idealize that can constitute an obstacle to the practice of crimes. It is through the corrosion that the criminal can forget commitments or positive learning experiences that could prevent the delinquent action.

4.1.2 - weak points (defiles in for-social competences)

- Responsibility: disinterest for the responsible behavior. It refuses the effort responsibly for actual;

- Empathy: the criminal doesn't have in consideration the needs of the other ones, ignoring the facto of his/her behavior to harm the other ones;

- Thought: difficulty in learning with the experience. Deficient competences of resolution of problems. Expressed fragmentation in the co-existence of faiths antagonisms that you/they are annulled per times to itself own (faiths antagonisms concerning the same thing).

4.2 - dynamisms cognitive partner in the delinquency

Linked Defiles to the control’s of the impulsive and aggressive behavior (the aggressive child introduces defiles partner cognitive (fear when learning the social reality) in different moments of the processing of the information).

Tendency to conceive less alternative solutions for problems interpessoais (a conflict hypothesis is put and he/she wonders the solution - the aggressive children propose less solution).

Tendency to focus in the final objectives (instead of centering in the intermediate stages for reaching).

4.3 - consequences of the delinquency

The death: murdered by policemen or for criminals of rival gang. We never faced ourselves so much with the mystery of our finiteness as when in the clues a to be wanted and lover.

If the death seems still more scandalous when it snatches a to be young and full of unfinished promises, she always maintains the character of an absurd rotors that it comes to contradict the dynamism of our life.

Affliction on the part of the parents: because no father wants to lose his/her son, even if that a disturbing subject is for the society?

The parents always intend good things for their children, when they try to transmit yours experience the adolescent son, in order to avoid that he suffers.

The prison: for they steal and they steal the citizens' goods.

The discrimination: to the former-prisoners the society, from time to time, is unable of having accepted them because they think that who commits a crime cannot be socialized.

Like this the negative events, are to take to the ripening, and they can extract of that suffering and of that reflection positive and negative things that you/they will avoid that those moments repeat.


The growth of the urban violence and the crisis of the systems penitentiary, judiciary and policeman are themes that are occupying a great space in the Brazilian news section in the last years. To growing criminality and the impunity they have as one of the most visible consequences the insecurity sensation and fear of the population that, more and more, it looks for own mechanisms of protector: grating in the windows, locked doors, armored cars, firearms and systems of deprived safety are part of the everyday of a portion


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