- TCC, Modelos de monografias, Trabalhos de universidades, Ensaios, Bibliografias


Por:   •  21/11/2017  •  1.201 Palavras (5 Páginas)  •  416 Visualizações

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The school is considered the extension of the family and, working together, the two institutions play the role of educators. It is in both contexts that develops sociability, affection and physical well being of the students.

Family omission is part of reality, whose effects are more pronounced in the attitudes of teenagers who, without adequate family-based, become pregnant soon without complete schooling, carry with fear and uncertainty, without opportunities for the labor market are family without solid bases.

MUSLIMS: A brief example

One of the most striking features of Muslim society is the importance given to the family. The family is considered as a cornerstone and is the strongest bond in Islamic culture. Throughout history, the strength of the family unit was a key factor for the survival of many tribes and peoples. The most cherished cultural values resolve around loyalty to family and maintain the respect of family and friends.

The Muslim home is almost a world apart. The traditional Muslim family is extended, often covering three or more generations.

Marriages within the family is common between distant cousins. Often families try to live close to each other. Family businesses are passes down from generation to generation. Arts and techniques are taught from mother to daughter, father to son. This extended structure provides a sense of stability, consistency and support, especially in times of need.


For the common good, the family structure has to be something that future generations will revolutionize or backward in some ways, watching the family formation trends.

Another worrying factor lies in the process of destruction of the family values, that gives for socioeconomic reasons, because society today, excessively valued individualism to the detriment of collective values, overestimates the money; consumption and promotes the trivialization of sexuality. The banality of consumerism and sexuality is a disservice to the training of young people who directly influences the family formation, and this destruction has much to do with the media and advertising, which on behalf of the consumer has no qualms about awakening beyond the reasonable, in a disrespectful way, the sexuality of children.

In his home, the child experiences the first social contact of his live, living with his family and loved ones. People who care for children in their homes naturally have emotional ties and specific obligations of educators in schools. However, these two aspects complement each other in character formations and educations of our children. Participation of parents in the education of children must be constant and conscious. Family life and school are completed. The rise to success is to be only a result of a strong family structure.


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