- TCC, Modelos de monografias, Trabalhos de universidades, Ensaios, Bibliografias

Verbo to Be - adverbs

Por:   •  3/5/2018  •  1.168 Palavras (5 Páginas)  •  363 Visualizações

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- IS Ian is a basketball player.

- ARE We are in front of the Shopping Center.

- IS She is our Biology teacher.

- AM I am the English teacher.

- IS He is in the cafeteria.

- ARE They are in the library preparing a speech.

- IS That is my friend Harry.

- My IS teacher is in the classroom.

- ARE These are my classmate’s pen.

- ARE Peter and John are scientists.

- IS Mary Helen’s house is near the bakery.

- How much is it...? Follow the exemple:

Exemple: 20 minus 12? Twenty minus twelve is equal to eight

Plus Minus Times Divided by is equal to

[pic 1][pic 2][pic 3][pic 4][pic 5]

- 3 times 10? >>Tree times ten is equal to thirty

- 8 minus 2? >>Eight minus two is equal to six

- 10 divided by por 2? >>Ten divided by two is equal to five.

- 23 minus 1? >> twenty-tree minus one i s equal to twenty-two.

- 120 divided by 3?>>one hundred twenty divided by tree is equal to forthy

- 50 plus 5? >> fifty plus five is equal to fifty-five.

- 9 minus 6? >> nine minus six is equal to tree.

- 10 times 10? >> Ten times ten is equal to hundred.

- 4 times 12? >> four times twelve is equal to forthy-eight.

- 19 plus 70? >>niveteen plus seventy is equal to eighty

- Write the season and/or the mounth

[pic 6]

1-Easter in April.

2-It is hot in summer.

3-On February is winter.

4-The Thanksgiving day is in november.

5-In august ends the summer.

6-In October is Autumn

7-Chistimas in is december.

8-It is cold in Winter.

9-In may begins the spring

10-The valentine´s day is in jun.

11-The usa Independence day is in jun.

12-St Patrick´s Day is in march.


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