História e Aplicação: Magnetoterapia
Por: Evandro.2016 • 2/4/2018 • 667 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 311 Visualizações
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Magnetoterapia . Tratamento. Tecnologia. Recuperação. Historia. Aplicação
The magnetic therapy is a treatment still little known and used, but a very important tool for physical therapy, this is the use of magnetic fields for therapeutic purposes, taking advantage of their influence on the electrical and ionic charges in the body. The aim of this paper is to present how did the treatment, which advances that this presented, as it runs and how present results, in addition to exposing some causes to be so little invested in Brazil. To try to show these issues were carried out research in scientific articles, books and magazines on the subject. Where it is conceivable that despite being a remote therapy this is still a means underexplored, especially in Brazil, notes that the region that makes use of magnetic therapy is North America with 45% of total investigations, followed by Europe with just over 41%, Asia and Oceania with just over 13%. In general it helps in blood circulation, increases excitability rate of nerves and improves musculoskeletal, digestive, nervous, urinary and respiratory systems. Its effects are analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regeneration. For it is a noninvasive, safe and easy to handle, is extremely important to educate the population about the therapy, and thus show the importance of more investment in this type of treatment in Brazil, and the benefits this brings to society suffering from certain diseases.
KEYWORDS: Magnetotherapy. Treatment. Technology. Recovery. History. Application
Retratar novos tratamentos na fisioterapia, mostrar a importância deste, já que ajuda de forma mias eficaz acelerando o processo de cura além de auxiliar no pós operatória de determinadas cirurgias estéticas.
Mostrar a historia de como surgiu o tratamento desde os tempos mais remotos
Falar das evoluções que este tratamento apresentou
Relatar como o tratamento funciona no corpo e como e feito
Mostrar o investimento deste no Brasil
Falar em quais pacientes e doenças pode ser usado e em quais não pode