Por: Salezio.Francisco • 16/2/2018 • 900 Palavras (4 Páginas) • 345 Visualizações
Palavras – Chave: Afetividade, Educação, Relação Professor/Aluno.
This paper presented results of a qualitative research with the theme: The Affection contribution in nursery students of a Municipal Learning Center in Teresina Piauí. The guiding questions were: How does the Affection in the relationship teacher / student in the classroom contributes significantly to teaching and learning? What factors hinder the relationship between teacher and student? What is the limit used to identify some extent this emotional relationship in the classroom? Because Affection is of great relevance to students' lives? As the Affection is developed in the classroom? This article aimed to analyze the affectivity contribution in nursery students of a Municipal Learning Center in Teresina Piauí. To achieve this end, they have established themselves as Specific Objectives: To understand the role of affectivity in the learning process. Note the importance of the affective relationship between teacher and student. Recognize the affection contribution in social contact this student. The result of data analysis was made through field research with maternal teachers, based on theoretical as Rossini (2001), Wallon (1999), Taille (1992), Saltini (1997), Chalita (2004). With this work, intended to produce a reflection that point how much the events between students and teachers, through a healthy and productive relationship during the educational process can lead educators to an awareness that the act of teaching with affection, can enhance learning and that affective and cognitive aspects are inseparable. It means that when there is pleasure in learning, certainly learn better and takes up a wider range of knowledge, so that affection can significantly contribute to the success of children in school and in their future life.
Keywords: Affectivity. Education. Relationship teacher/student.
1 INTRODUÇÃO.....................................................................................................................09
2. O CONTEXTO HISTÓRICO DA EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL............................................10
2.1 A Afetividade na Educação Infantil....................................................................................12
2..2 A Afetividade.....................................................................................................................13
2..3 A Importância do Relacionamento Afetivo Professor e Aluno.........................................15
2..4 A Contribuição da Afetividade no Processo de Ensino Aprendizagem.............................16
3 METODOLOGIA..................................................................................................................18
4 ANÁLISE E DISCUSSÃO DOS DADOS............................................................................20
5 CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS................................................................................................ 25
REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS.....................................................................................27