Tratamento de Efluentes na Indústria Química
Por: Jose.Nascimento • 31/3/2018 • 10.943 Palavras (44 Páginas) • 479 Visualizações
The aim of our report is to disclose the development of the Integrator Project, showing the formation of the group, the meetings, as well as its actions taken, their strengths and weaknesses and etc. Requested by Eniac college in your module to the financial system of higher education.
The formation of the group was done in the classroom by students Moisés Alves de Souza and Rodrigo de Paula. The first group meeting was held on February 23, 2015, the Eniac college. The second group meeting was held on March 7, 2015, where we were to decide the points of our project to be developed, aiming to seek information about the company you are doing the project. The last group meeting was held on March 27, 2015, where we can have the first information needed to make the first part of the sewage treatment project. On April 12, 2015, the first presentation of the Project Integrator Eniac college portal was held where all content developed in group meetings were put into practice for the examination board of college professors with ultimate goal to integrate all module materials to better preparation of the presentation of the work. The strengths of our study was the division of labor, the dynamic after each meeting a short discussion of what we would seek to continue in our work, and the ease of decision-making and division of labor both in the preparation and in presentation held.
The negatives of the preparation of our work in this first phase were the difficulty in obtaining the necessary information for the preparation of the integration project.
The sequence was given continuity to the project and used the theoretical part acquired in physics classes and fluid mechanics using flow calculations, speed, volume, pressure drop, etc. The treatment plant is designed to treat water used in industrial processes and return to the Environment or reuse the same water used but with a higher quality than the collected water.
Key words: Environment. Quality. Reuse.
Lista de FIGURAS
Figura 1 – Planta da estação de tratamento vista superior 22
Figura 2 – Diagrama de Moody 34
Figura 3: Custo unitário de aquisição dos equipamentos para os adensadores por gravidade. 57
Figura 4: Custo unitário de aquisição dos removedores de lodo............................................ 58
Figura 5: Custo unitário de aquisição dos aeradores superficiais........................................... 58
Figura 6: Custo unitário de aquisição das centrífugas............................................................ 58
Figura 7: Tarifas de energia elétrica ponderadas.................................................................... 60
Lista de TABELAS
Tabela 1 – Tarifas de alta tensão / média tensão - Estrutura Horossazonal Azul 60
VOC Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis
OD Oxigênio Dissolvido
DAF Flotação a Ar Dissolvido
ABNT Associação Brasileira de Normas e Técnicas
POA Processos Oxidativos Avançados
DBO Orgânico Biodegradável de um Despejo
UASB Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket
(Reator Anaeróbio de Manta de Lodo)
MBBR Moving. Bed Biofilm Reactor
(Reator de Leito Móvel com Biofilme)
PRFV Polímero Reforçado com Fibra de Vidro
CHV Carga hidráulica volumétrica
COV Carga orgânica volumétrica
mm Milimetros
m/s Metros por segundo
m Metros
m3/h Metros cúbicos hora
m3/s Metros cúbicos segundo
kg/m3 Kilo grama por metro cúbico
m/h Metros hora
CV Cavalo Vapor
1 - apresentação da empresa
1.1 – Empresa Clariant
1.2 – Produtos e Serviços
1.2.1 - Aditivos
1.2.2 – Pigmentos
1.2.3 – Masterbatches
1.2.4 – Minerais Funcionais
1.3 – Organograma
1.4.1 – Missão
1.4.2 – Visão
1.4.3 – Valores
2 - Descrição do processo que Contaminou a Água
2.1 – AGFA Processo Oxidativo Fenton
2.2 – POI Processo Oxidativo Fenton
2.3 – PVA Processo Decantação Físico Químico
2.4 – Aminas Processo Físico
2.5 – Oxiteno Processo Oxidativo Finto
3 – Estação de Tratamento
3.1 – Tratamentos Fisicos
3.1.1 – Gradeamento e Peneiramento