Programa de Empresas Contratadas
Por: YdecRupolo • 2/5/2018 • 3.074 Palavras (13 Páginas) • 401 Visualizações
11. - Provide isolation and identification of the work areas (inside the plant) which could present accident risks, as predetermined by Rigesa, except if there is contrary orientation, in writing.
12. - Keep a responsible person (supervisor, job foreman or leader) always on the job, accompanying the work.
13. - Determine its employees and/or subcontracted personnel to observe the following rules while working:
a) Use shirts buttoned down and inside the pants;
b) Only smoke in the clearly marked and signalled areas;
c) Do not carry wiping cloths or waste in pockets, specially near pulleys, ropes, chains, cables and belts, gears and other similar moving equipment;
d) Do not execute any adjusting, maintenance or cleaning near pulleys, chains, ropes, cables, beots, gears and other similar moving equipment;
e) Do not allow employees to wear long hair loose next to the machinery;
f) Do not permitir the use of wrist watches, bracelets, rings or chains, loose jackets, dust coats, next to machinery and/or equipment.
14. - Inform its employees and/or subcontracted personnel they have the following obligations:
a) Comply with the determinations of this standard and the others informed by Rigesa;
b) In case of fire or any other emergency, act calmly, accompanying the behavior of the Rigesa employees;
c) Immediately warn his (her) supervisor and/or person responsible for the job and/or Sector, designated by Rigesa, in case of accident;
d) Immediately warn his (her) supervisor and/or the person responsible for the job/service and also the requesting Sector (employee designated by Rigesa), if perceiving, feeling or suspecting any risk, immediately stopping the work and discussing with Rigesa the necessary conditions to safely continue the work;
e) Participate in lectures marked by Rigesa, when a copy of this information will be delivered, with an express signed presence list and declaration of having received the instructions.
15. - Note the following minimum safety standards:
15.1 – Concerning the use of ladders and scaffolds:
a) They must be in perfect conditions of use, well supported and tied while in use;
b) If it is not possible to tié them, they should be held by another employee, while anyone is on the ladder performing work;
c) The opening below the ladder should be ¼ of its height;
d) The support ladder should not be over 7 meters high;
e) Do not use metal ladders to work with electricity;
f) An ‘A’ type ladder with central stiffener, cannot be higher than 6 meters when closed, should be rigid, stable and provided with devices to keep it rigidly open;
Enclosure II
Sheet No.: 3/6
g) Do not place a ladder near doors, except if they are locked or there is someone looking on;
h) Work requiring both hands should be performed with ‘A’ ladders provided with wide treads;
i) Fixed or suspended scaffolds should be solidly and safely built.;
j) Scaffolds should support the loads foreseen, and this should be uniformly distributed;
k) If boards are used, they should be at least 25mm thick, have no cracks or knots and be duly held to avoid slipping;
l) Moving movable scaffolds with people on them is strictly forbidden.
15.2 – Electrical installations:
a) Attention! Electricity is dangerous! Even low voltages can be fatal;
b) Electrical cables should be in good safety conditions;
c) All equipment should be connected to the electical network with chained plugs and sockets;direct connections to the cable ends is not allowed;
d) Equipment plugs should indicate the electrical voltage and current to be used;
e) It is forbidden to connect more than one tool on the same outlet;
f) The electrical blocking of machinery and electrical panels is necessary, according to Rigesa internal safety standards, for the safety of operator and/or third parties;
g) Never change fuses by installing wires, coins or other fuses with higher amperage;
h) Do not install lights to work with electrical equipment next to combustible materials;
i) High woltage work can only be performed after receiving a “Special Work Permit”;
j) Work in explosive environments should be liberated by Rigesa Safety, after issuing a “Special Work Permit”;
k) Lighting inside confined locations can only be installed with extra low safety voltages;
l) Welding machines should be connected to ground and the electrical feed cable must be a maximum of 4 m long;
m) Electrical work should satisfy the requirements of the “Guide Program for Electrical Installations – 47”.
15.3 – When working in high locations:
a) Any and all work in high locations can only be started after receiving a “Work Permit”.
b) Force its employees to use parachute type safety harnesses whenever working over 2 m above the floor or soil;
c) When performing work in high locations with much movement, all employees must use safety harnesses having