- TCC, Modelos de monografias, Trabalhos de universidades, Ensaios, Bibliografias

Avaliação de IHC do sistema “AI Q FOME”

Por:   •  21/3/2018  •  3.150 Palavras (13 Páginas)  •  325 Visualizações

Página 1 de 13


No grupo de foco participaram apenas 9 pessoas das 15 que realizaram o teste de usabilidade mas manteve-se os diferentes tipos de grupos. Não foi determinado um tema, falou-se do sistema como um todo, apontando críticas, discutindo melhorias e conversando sobre dificuldades. Questão muito discutida foi sobre o cancelamento do pedido.

Na realização do percurso cognitivo foi a hora do próprio avaliador verificar a qualidade de usabilidade do sistema, tentando se colocar no papel do usuário e detalhar como seria sua interação com o sistema. Para isso foram definidos os passos necessários para a realização da tarefa e as seguintes questões respondidas para cada um desses passos: “O usuário tentaria atingir o efeito correto?”, “O usuário perceberia que a ação correta está disponível?”, “O usuário conseguiria associar a ação correta com o efeito que está tentando atingir?”, “Se a ação correta for realizada, o usuário perceberia que está progredindo para concluir a tarefa?”.

On each page your material should fit within a rectangle of 7 x 9.25 in (18 x 23.5 cm), centered on a US letter page (8.5x11 in), beginning 0.75 in (1.9 cm) from the top of the page, with a 0.33 in (0.85 cm) space between two 3.3 in (8.4 cm) columns. Right margins should be justified, not ragged. Please be sure your document and PDF are US letter and not A4.


The styles contained in this document have been modified from the default styles to reflect ACM formatting conventions. For example, content paragraphs like this one are formatted using the Normal style.

Title and Authors

Your paper’s title, authors, and affiliations should run across the full width of the page in a single column 7 in (17.8 cm) wide. The title should be in Helvetica or Arial 18-point bold (the Title style in this document). Authors’ names should be in Times New Roman or Times Roman 12-point bold (Author Name style), and affiliations in the font as 12-point regular (Author Affiliation style).

To position names and addresses, use a single-row table with invisible borders, as in this document. Alternatively, if only one address is needed, use a centered tab stop to center all name and address text on the page; for two addresses, use two centered tab stops, and so on. For more than three authors, you may have to place some address information in a footnote, or in a named section at the end of your paper. Leave one 10-point line of white space below the last line of affiliations.

Adding and Removing Author Fields Above

If you need a 4th block for an additional author with a different affiliation, click on the table, click “layout” under “table tools”, and click “insert left” or “insert right”. Then right-click anywhere on the table, click “Table Properties”, and within the “Table” tab, click the tab box for “Preferred Width” and enter “7”.

If you need author blocks for only 1 or 2 authors, you should remove one column from the table. Right-click in the unwanted cell, click “Delete Cell”, click “Delete entire column”, then click “OK”. Repeat if necessary.

Abstract and Keywords

Every submission should begin with an abstract of about 150 words, followed by a set of keywords. The abstract and keywords should be placed in the left column of the first page under the left half of the title. The abstract should be a concise statement of the problem, approach, and conclusions of the work described. It should clearly state the paper’s contribution to the field of HCI.

Normal or Body Text

Please use 10-point Times New Roman or Times Roman font (the Normal style) or, if this is unavailable, another proportional font with serifs, as close as possible in appearance to Times New Roman 10-point. Other than Helvetica or Arial headings, please use sans-serif or non-proportional fonts only for special purposes, such as source code text.

First Page Copyright Notice

This sample word document has the correct ACM SIGCHI copyright notice in place (see page 1, bottom of column 1). Accepted papers will be distributed in the conference publications. They will also be placed in the ACM Digital Library, where they will remain accessible to thousands of researchers and practitioners worldwide. ACM’s copyright and permissions policy is here:

Subsequent Pages

On pages beyond the first, start at the top of the page and continue in double-column format. The two columns on the last page should be of approximately equal length.

[pic 1]

Figure 1. Use high-resolution images, 300+ dpi, legible if printed in color or black-and-white. Number all figures and include captions below, using Insert, Caption.

References and Citations

Use a numbered list of references at the end of the article, ordered alphabetically by last name of first author, and referenced by numbers in brackets [1,3,4].


Caption – pre-2002

Caption – 2003 and afterwards







Table 1. Table captions should be placed below the table. We recommend table lines be 1 point, 25% black. Minimize use of unnecessary table lines.

Your references should be published materials accessible to the public. Internal technical reports may be cited only if they are easily accessible (i.e., you provide the address for obtaining the report within your citation) and may be obtained by any reader for a nominal fee. Proprietary information may not be cited. Private communications should be acknowledged in the main text, not referenced (e.g., “[Borriello, personal communication]”).

References should be in ACM citation format: This includes citations to internet resources [1,4,8,1] according to ACM format, although it is often appropriate to include URLs directly


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