Por: Carolina234 • 28/2/2018 • 9.878 Palavras (40 Páginas) • 316 Visualizações
With the industrialization process in the second half of the 19th century, with the inclusion of women in the labour market and the process of urbanisation, the attendance in nursery was expanded, not only to meet the children of the mothers who were not workers who leave them while they worked, but also to ensure the quality of the workforce. Particularly, as nurseries have become something advantageous for entrepreneurs creating more satisfied mothers that therefore produced better work. Thus, the nursery is not justified by objectives related to the development of the child, but related to the needs of families, especially those of the mothers having support in the care and education of young children.
In addition to industrialisation, and as a result of the changes in the role that women play in the family, the production of knowledge about the needs and potential of the child, has contributed to that, beyond the needs of the family, particularly mothers, if you also consider the needs of children, Yes, even small, they are subjects of education and care in institutions for this purpose.
The women's movement in the years 1970, claiming nurseries, was instrumental in the emergence of the nursery as an institution to care for and educate children (ibid). As an institution, it represents a right, a right of the child and the worker, a conquest of organised civil society with the purpose of promoting child development, especially with regard to their needs and educational skills. This had as a consequence had a significant demand for day care for working mothers and that didn't work out, because these had few resources in the domestic space to ensure the socialisation of the child.
With this new identity, which is to care for and educate, the nursery is no longer conceived as a place of custody for the child of hard-working mothers or as a replacement of them. Children who attend are in developing, regardless of their socio-economic origin, and share experiences in collective institutions, in environments that need to be organized, with the supervision and care of professionals able to provide diverse experiences that promote its development (Aneshensel and Phelan, 1999).
Literature review
There are changes with regard to the functioning and family structure. As a result of these changes, particularly with regard to early childhood education, our society has been organized in order to meet these new demands. In this scenario, it considers the importance of nursery and pre-schools not only as part of basic education (Laird and Hartman, 1985) but also as a policy that acts as support for families. It is a fact that many families today, share with the Early Childhood Education, the education of their children. Attention to the fact that nurseries have been the first major service offered to families with children.
Bronfenbrenner (2009) proposes the understanding of human development from complex systems (microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem and macro-system) that interact with the individual throughout the course of life. The development takes place in the interaction of people in the immediate and remote environment, so that the person affects the environment and vice versa forming a chain of interactions. Parents sharing their children's education means expanding these environments, and essentially part of those who do them are immediate, such as nurseries that are an important space for children. Bronfenbrenner (1998) draws attention to the fact that these new initiatives have an impact on the lives of people involved, creating new challenges and increased opportunities for development. The development trajectory is very important and care in preparing environments (such as subjective space also) the heart of the matter (Dunlap, 2004).
Even though the early years education was a major political achievement for families and children, there are still a number of issues relating to the education of young children outside the home that need to be discussed. One is the parent-child relationship that takes new format from the experience of separation, nowadays, even earlier than a few decades ago.
A child's entry period in a nursery is a critical moment for everyone involved. With regard to mother-baby, there is the passage of a domestic and intimate setting for a collective with extension habits and social relations. It is in the first transition reality, home to the school environment with all the repercussions of a major event in the lives of individuals. Parents, then, begin to experience feelings that may confuse and frighten them. Bowlby (1984) presents his work which enhances the caregiver / child relationship through the attachment and separation processes. These processes take place in stages, with the child in the first year of age initially reacts when placed in the cradle and subsequently reacts when the mother 'disappears' from his sight. In another time, being entertained in an activity, the baby realizes after a while that her mother left and then protests. Since then, the baby seems to be quite aware of the mother's lack of ability, watching her. Around twelve months, the baby is able to predict the mother's departure from some certain behaviours she displays. From the third year of age seems to be a change in attachment behaviour: the child has accepted the temporary absence of the mother, participating in activities with other adults. This occurs abruptly, suggesting the achievement of a maturity at this age.
Considering the theory of Bowlby (1984), before the third year, the child will not have acquired the maturity to cope with the absence of the mother, even if temporary, and that terrifies her. Although Bowlby argued that the separation of the primary caregiver should be from three years old, the current literature, especially the insertion shows us ways to overcome the difficulties that both children and parents - are likely to experience in the separation process to get to early childhood education. It is important, if not essential, building a partnership between the family and the school, so that together they can make this transition. What is sought through the insertion process is dealing with possible sufferings, becoming the new most familiar environment possible for all and allowing the children to choose a substitute attachment figures in a nursery, favouring their safety. When a child entry for a nursery is, in fact, the insertion of an entire family. The literature shows that the first year of life is a critical time for the entry into nursery when compared to other periods (ibid). Although this is